Carla Hesse – "The rise of intellectual property, 700 B.C. – A.D. 2000: an idea in the balance"

Posted by , 28.02.2011, 9:52 am


The concept of intellectual property – the idea that an idea can be owned – is a child of the European Enlightenment. It was only when people began to believe that knowledge came from the human mind working upon the senses–rather than through div…

CFBS Advocacy Campaign (Part 2) Communication Identity

Posted by , 12.02.2011, 12:36 am

Branding | Design Development | Featured Project

COMMUNICATION IDENTITY   ////COMING SOON/////         CFBS Advocacy Campaign (Part 1) Research & Master Planning CFBS Advocacy Campaign (Part 3) Communication Strategy

Dhon Hiyala and Ali Fulhu  A tale of love, birth, life, death…

Posted by , 25.01.2011, 1:47 pm


Dhon Hiyala and Ali Fulhu 
A tale of love, birth, life, death and magic from Maldives 
‘arguably the most important epic work in Maldive literature’ 
Part of an oral story-telling tradition of unique imagination and descriptive power, Dhon H…

Dhivehi English Dictionary

Posted by , 25.01.2011, 1:12 pm


Dhivehi English Dictionary: Free Download 1.1MB PDF file
Maldives Culture

Free Software Free Society: Selected Essays of Richard M….

Posted by , 25.01.2011, 10:56 am


Free Software Free Society: Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman, 2nd Edition
This book collects the writing of Richard Stallman in a manner that will make its subtlety and power clear. The essays span a wide range, from copyright to the history of t…

Copyleft: Pragmatic Idealism

Posted by , 25.01.2011, 10:52 am


by Richard Stallman
Every decision a person makes stems from the person’s values and goals. People can have many different goals and values; fame, profit, love, survival, fun, and freedom, are just some of the goals that a good person might have….

Buraasfathivaru 07 “Dhaahilamaa!” Presentation + Workshop by…

Posted by , 24.01.2011, 11:55 am


Buraasfathivaru 07 “Dhaahilamaa!” Presentation + Workshop by Hussain Nashid 9pm. 25th January 2011 at South Beach Restaurant / 2nd Flr. (via channel 26)

Coming Soon! 100 ways to sweat by Hussein Nashid et….

Posted by , 24.01.2011, 11:53 am


Coming Soon!
100 ways to sweat by Hussein Nashid et. alIllustrated by Iman Rasheed 
Adult Humour / Social Critique / Gift / Souvenir / Cultural Artefact 
ދާހިއްލުމައް 100 ގޮއި ހުސެން ނާޝިދު އާއި ރައްޓެހިން…

Buraasfathivaru 07“Dhaahilamaa!”Presentation + Workshop by…

Posted by , 24.01.2011, 10:58 am


Buraasfathivaru 07“Dhaahilamaa!”Presentation + Workshop by Hussain Nashid9pm. 25th January 2011at South Beach Restaurant / 2nd Flr.

Copyleft: publishers have everything to gain by adopting it

Posted by , 24.01.2011, 2:36 am


L’Unità, 20 February 2003
Wu Ming 2
Recently, the discussion on copyright and its infringement has come to sound like another dispute, the one on drug addiction treament. In both cases, issues are both of a practical and moral nature, but the mo…